
Wild Yeast Starter with Dehydrated 'Ulu / Breadfruit

Wild Yeast Starter with Dehydrated 'Ulu / Breadfruit

The process of cultivating a wild yeast starter is simple. Join our new learning platform in this link to see how simple it is to capture wild yeast and use it as a starter for bread!
Gluten-Free Pizelles

Gluten-Free Pizelles

 Gluten-Free Pizelles Pizelles were the special dessert my mom made every holiday season. I purchased my first pizelle maker when wanting to make m...
Ginger Taro Granola Bar With Fruit Preserves

Ginger Taro Granola Bar With Fruit Preserves

There are so many ways we like to eat Voyaging Foods' ginger Taro Bars. Using seasonal fruit to make bite-size fruit snacks is a healthy pick-me-up you can eat throughout the day. 
Grain-Free Fruit Cobbler

Grain-Free Fruit Cobbler

Substitute Ancestral Taro Powder for cornstarch or flour for a grain-free fiber and thickener in this fruit cobbler. Ingredients: 3 cups berrie...
Baking With Natural Egg Substitutes

Baking With Natural Egg Substitutes

Have you ever tried baking with egg substitutes? Here are some tips our test kitchen uses for baking our Taro Cakes pancake mix and Lava Cookies ...
Dairy-free Creme Cookie Sandwiches

Dairy-free Creme Cookie Sandwiches

We love a crème-filled sandwich but these dairy-free crème cookie sandwiches are too good to not eat every day.  Ingredients: 6 Lava cookies or ma...
Simple 3 Ingredient Teriyaki Sauce (Gluten-Free)

Simple 3 Ingredient Teriyaki Sauce (Gluten-Free)

Sauces are easily made on the spot and will upgrade any meals from store-bought to extra special. Try this simple recipe at your next BBQ or famil...
Candied Nuts (Low-Glycemic)

Candied Nuts (Low-Glycemic)

Finally a candied nuts recipe that is also low glycemic! I believe you can always “upgrade” any dish, treat or dessert and use “better-for-you” in...
Roasted Creamy Tomato Soup (Dairy-Free)

Roasted Creamy Tomato Soup (Dairy-Free)

This month is all about soups like my favorite Roasted Creamy Tomato Soup {Dairy-Free}. After attending the Perfect Health program at The Chopra Ce...
Chicken Parmesan (Grain-Free)

Chicken Parmesan (Grain-Free)

We love this recipe from one of our favorite resources for recipes, The Domestic Man.  Russ Crandall, of The Domestic Man, talks a lot about health...
Pan-Seared Tofu

Pan-Seared Tofu

Pan-seared tofu Recipe by Diane Pan Ching, MDPediatric Hospitalist Ingredients: 1 block firm organic tofu Salt and pepper to taste 2 tablesp...
Egg-free Baking Substitutes

Egg-free Baking Substitutes

Baking with food substitutes is something we excel in at Voyaging Foods. All of our recipes were created with nutrient-dense ingredients that were ...

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