Eco-printed voyaging canoe greeting cards - Voyaging Foods
Eco-printed voyaging canoe greeting cards - Voyaging Foods
Eco-printed voyaging canoe greeting cards - Voyaging Foods

Eco-printed voyaging canoe greeting cards

通常価格 $5.00 販売中

Announcing our newest item in the Voyaging Foods store!

This exclusive illustrated voyaging canoe greeting card is an image seen in our new book Native Flour, Ancient Starch, Gluten-Free Recipes Using Hawaiian Taro Powder.  This 5 x7 greeting card includes a white envelope and can be used for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations or just to say aloha!

This one-of-a-kind card is eco-printed on recycled paper using soy inks and shipping is included to the United States.

Through this purchase you are supporting Hawaii's voyaging traditions that connect sustainable resources for all. Check out Malama Learning Center here to learn more.


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