Wayfinder Value-Added Micro-Milling Labs

micro millling kitchen in a container

The Wayfinder Micro-milling and drying labs are one of the innovative and tangible solutions to a broken food system.

Did you know Hawaii is at food risk with our starch crops? We import 100% of our flour and there are no regional, decentralized value-added flour mills or processing spaces. 

The Wayfinder's vision supports a regional, decentralized system of farm kitchens in refurbished shipping containers for capturing farm harvests making end-user products. The units include a clean energy-based, passive solar dryer to work in tandem with the kitchen container.

Here is our newest challenge you can help us with:

 Take a listen to how we operate as our own labs in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


The specific manufactured product is dehydrated kalo (taro) powder, 'ulu (breadfruit) flour, teas, herbs, dry mixes and baked goods-products and recipes we have been making and sharing for almost over two decades.

Since our canoe plant processing is focused on our low-risk, shelf stable plant drying and milling, we are able to utilize innovative ways to implement our ‘aina (the land which feeds) based food production method that incorporates the community as part of the solution.

The 30 %By ‘30 Initiative is the marketing arm that supports an island wide Hawaiian grown and milled canoe-plant flour product supported by home kitchens, chefs, grocers, bakeries, restaurants, hotels and anywhere that serves food.

 How we started.....back in 2005


The Wayfinders will operate as an educational lab demonstrating self-sustaining opportunities for food security across regional areas of all the islands beginning with O'ahu. 

Our grass roots organizing based in local, place-based food systems grow stronger within an interdependent ‘aina based mentality.

This circular economy provides an inclusive food industry for greater access and availability for all.

We are excited to be collaborating with The Canoe Plant Collective to pool our resources and knowledge to create a resilience hub that hasn’t been available for small farmers and makers.

With our over 2 decades of combined baking, milling, recipe and product development experience our passion for all things canoe plants is deep!

​Here's a shot of the team loading the flour mill to get repainted!

We are gathering information from interested people who could utilize the shared facility. Please fill out the intake form below and we will get back to you.

We are in the process of building infrastructure to share in the task to double food production in Hawaii by creating access to flour making knowledge and tools.

Join the The Canoe Plant Collective and support our initiative by becoming a flour advocate.

We are interested in partnering with:


If you have an interest in being a mentor or adding your support, we could use your help. This includes student volunteers who want to gain applied experience in the field and retirees.

Sponsor the Lab

We are looking for sponsors for 2024.

Click here to see the fundable programs within the Wayfinders creating more access for:

  • co-working space for canoe plant flour, plants powders and tea
  • skill sharing workshops drying plants and making canoe plant flour 
  • shelf-stable harvests 

We have studied with experts in:

  • Lab consultants and food scientists to develop fundamental knowledge in Plant To Powder
  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP),
  • HACCP practices,
  • Understanding for local farming and challenges

Our programs fit in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals with the U.N. Global Goal for Sustainability and encourage community-action projects. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Agenda, adopted in 2015, includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030. Countries around the world have committed to taking action to meet these goals, such as ending hunger and poverty and creating sustainable cities and communities. 

Voyaging Foods was fiscally sponsored by paying two employee wages and benefits during the pandemic through the Aloha Connects Innovation Initiative which led to the collaboration for The Canoe Plant Collective.  For more information, contact us



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