Infared Mini-Mat | Amethyst and Tourmaline Mini-Mat 120V (19.68" x 33.46" x 1")
Infared Mini-Mat | Amethyst and Tourmaline Mini-Mat 120V (19.68" x 33.46" x 1")
Infared Mini-Mat | Amethyst and Tourmaline Mini-Mat 120V (19.68" x 33.46" x 1")
Infared Mini-Mat | Amethyst and Tourmaline Mini-Mat 120V (19.68" x 33.46" x 1")
Infared Mini-Mat | Amethyst and Tourmaline Mini-Mat 120V (19.68" x 33.46" x 1")

Infared Mini-Mat | Amethyst and Tourmaline Mini-Mat 120V (19.68" x 33.46" x 1")

通常価格 $780.00 販売中

The Mini Bio-Mat is used on our office chairs and study rooms bedroom and is always taken on road trips since it is so mobile.

The Mini Mat is built for professional or home use, the Mini Bio-Mat is very versatile. It comes with a Single Control Panel with travel case and 100% cotton quilted cover. This multi-purpose unit is great for sleeping, travel, pets, easy chairs, Spa or Dental chairs, and office Chairs. The Mini Bio-Mat may be laid down flat,or bent to use in a chair.
Learn more about the science here and the distributor website here.

Retail: $780.00 

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