Egg-free Baking Substitutes

Chia seed egg-free baking substituteBaking with food substitutes is something we excel in at Voyaging Foods. All of our recipes were created with nutrient-dense ingredients that were “upgraded” or substituted for something else.

For example, we created a cookie for people with egg allergies (even though non-allergy consumers love them too!). There are several egg-free baking substitutes and different options for making tasty meals without using eggs or dairy.

Here are some tips for baking with natural egg substitutes:

  • As the recipe developer, I like to use chia and pureed fruits in the Voyaging Foods kitchen.
  • The added fiber and omega-3 from chia is a simple way to “sneak” in more nutritious ingredients in meals and treats.
  • I also use applesauce + baking powder as an egg replacement, mostly in our banana and pumpkin quick-bread recipes.

How does it work?

Take 1 tablespoon of chia seed and add 3 tablespoons of hot water in a bowl. Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes.  Stir the water and chia seeds together to form a chia gel that will be used as the egg replacement.


Chia Seed Substitute for Egg

Ingredients will yield 1 egg:

  • 1 Tablespoon Chia seeds (White chia seeds preferable unless using chocolate or other dark colored foods.
  • 3 Tablespoons purified hot water

{* Tip} Use a spice grinder to minimize the size and appearance of the seeds in a recipe if you have little-inspecting eyes trying to uncover ingredients they may not like!

Combine chia seeds with purified hot water until a gel forms. See the picture above of how the chia gel holds its shape when pouring off the spoon. This is the effect it will have on your baked items, too.


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