Dairy-Free Mashed Potatoes

This dairy-free mashed potatoe recipe are just as creamy and tasty as full fat dairy.  The broth and dairy-free milk gives the potatoes a rich taste.  Feel free to add in truffle oil as a finishing touch!

Make a Meal Get a Deal-Dairy-free milk

Recipe Type: Dairy-free mash potatoes
Prep time: 
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Serves: 4-6
This 2 step diary-free mashed potatoes includes extra healthy fiber since we leave the skin on. This side dish is so creamy you won’t miss the actual fat from cream. Enjoy!
  • 4 pounds of potatoes (scrubbed clean)
  • 2 tablespoons sea salt (we like Hawaiian sea salt)
  • 1/4 cup dairy-free milk (Silk Almond or Soy)
  • 32 oz broth (chicken or vegetable)
  1. -Dice the potatoes, leave skin on if organic, and add them to the pot. Add broth to the pot and boil potatoes in the broth until tender.
  2. -Add the sea salt and milk to the potatoes and continue to mix until the ingredients are blended.
  3. -Serve!


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