Travel Notes as a Delegate for the Washington D.C. "Fly In" Supporting Family Farm's

Capitol D.C.Social entrepreneurship is more than a term. It is an action to a mission and a larger vision.  It is the fire behind the "business". I am never without a fire or a passion when it comes to this business surrounding Voyaging Foods.

In researching our Hawaiian history, we are taught that the ali'i (ruling class) and leaders would travel all over the world as delegates to speak on behalf of our residents in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. 

2019 I was a delegate for the National Farmer's Union Legislative Fly In to Washington D.C. 

We had the opportunity to hear from U.S. Department of Agriculture officials about current events, opportunities, and other work the department is doing on behalf of farmers. 

We received briefings from other administration officials and the leadership and staff of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives Committees on Agriculture.

The most important agenda items of the fly-in are the meetings with legislators. A highlight of the trip was meeting with Tulsi Gabbard who was putting her bid in for presidency!


A hallmark of the organization's grassroots structure, teams of Farmers Union members met with hundreds of members of Congress highlighting our  priorities, the challenges our farmer's are facing, and goals for future legislation.

History reminds us of the Hui Aloha 'Aina group that sent delegates to petition annexation and to meet with the president and Congress. This group was to be a true representation of the Hawaiian nation. People of color whom race prejudice in Washington by signatures taken from the rural and unrepresented parts of the islands (even Kalaupapa).

I was amazed to see Kalo (Taro) grown outside the legislative office and the museum featuring native and indigenious people's history. EO! Learning that the Ebbitt House was where Queen Lili'uokalani stayed during such a tramatic time in Hawaiian history was a point of interest.

The trip was extra special because I was able to part of this important part of history for #MMIW seen here:




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