Vernal or Spring Equinox

Why are people so interested in where the sun is at different times of the year?

This interest highlights a point in time that marks a transition referred to as equinoxes (which mark the onset of spring and autumn) and solstices (which mark when summer and winter begin).

The first day of spring is different each year.  The exact time and day isn’t the biggest point here but the act of knowing the variances of the seasons, the amount of light or dark in the day and the types of flowers and colors of the leaves.

I actually noticed a change in the amount of morning light about two weeks before the March 20 spring equinox.  Noticing the earlier sunrise meant the mornings were easier to wake up and would equate with more time to get more out of the day.

In Hawaii, knowing about your surroundings is an everyday art learned from our native ancestors.

The Native Hawaiians were so in tune to their surroundings, they knew by the moon phases whether to plant or harvest. They referred to the Kaulana Mahina or Moon Calendar for everything they did.

This infographic shows the concept visually.


In ancient times, people discovered clever ways of marking the rising and setting points of the sun. In some cases they built monuments to refine these measurements. Stonehenge, in southern England, is one of the most spectacular examples of these equinox calendars.

One of our favorite resources is the Farmers Almanac.  Has society today lost sight of this useful resource?





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