Unlocking ADHD and Autism Thru FOOD Choices – 6 Keys for the New Year

Picky eaters are a fact of life but sometimes a pain to deal with.  Especially if there is an allergy or immune deficicency going on.

I recently found an amazing resource for aiding in improving a child’s diet, Nourishing Hope.  Since part of my new year’s resolution is to include fermented foods into our family’s diet, I am super excited to get started with this Free webinar how-to!  Give yourself credit in taking this big step forward in making a significant impact on your child’s health.

Do you know someone is wants to start following a special diet for autism, ADHD, or allergies? I purchased the book Cooking to Heal and I recommend it to all moms to help them prepare meals your family will eat.  It has kid-friendly recipes, great cooking tips and helpful nutrition information.  Learn how to cook healthfully and prepare gluten-free and special diet recipes through this resource.  For GFCF, allergen-free, SCD/GAPS, Low oxalate, Failsafe and more. The cooking course is led by Julie Matthews, Certified Nutrition Consultant.



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