Splurge or Save on groceries?

There is a trick to know when to splurge and when to save on groceries.

Here are some tips health coaches use for their own grocery purchasing decisions:

1. Find a local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) subscription and learn what the prices are for the food you want to buy. This is fresh food direct without the middleman in some cases.

2. Learn what your local farmers pesticide and herbicide practices are. They might not spray but can’t afford organic certification.

3. Buy only organic veggies and fruits that are listed on the Dirty Dozen. These have more nutrients and less to no chemicals. You will save on things like “veggie washes” and other produce cleaners.

4. Take that Dirty Dozen list even farther by adding corn, wheat and soy to stay away from genetically modified foods. Buy organic to get a “clean label”.

5. Splurge on a bread maker. The amount of money saved on wasted and stale bread will be worth it. And, you can make both gluten-free and wheat varieties (if you aren’t Celiac).

6. Splurge in organic milk because it has a longer shelf life. Extra credit on purchasing nut milks and coconut milk in shelf stable packaging. There are a ton of easy You Tube videos showing how to make your own also.

7. Save on buying organic frozen veggies and fruit. Most companies flash freeze which locks in nutrients while keeping the cost down.

8. Save on grains, pasta and rice by buying bulk.

9. Don’t underestimate the local health food store as well as a Safeway. Both may be close in price but the reward programs may help you recoup some of the costs overall.



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