Rethink Disposable

Tear off cotton napkins, novel idea, right?

Only at the Natural Products Expo West can you find innovated AND eco-friendly products under one very large roof.

Natural Products Expo West outside entrance

Natural Products Expo West outside entrance

See, I have this issue with single-use waste such as plastic silverware and paper towels and the belief that everything needs to be disposable.

If everything is thought of as disposable then why care or take care of anything?

We can do better by trusting in our ability to slow down for mealtimes.  If on the go, how about using alternate sources of reusable, light materials for transport like bamboo, silver and microfiber cleaning cloths?

Have you thought about the costs-both environmental and monetary-of single-use, throw-away paper plates, plastic silverware and paper napkins and towels?  This person has, read more here.

My second favorite product found at the Natural Products Expo West were tear-off cotton napkins on a roll.  Although these cotton napkins are disposable-they are washable as well.

I can’t wait to use these napkins:

  • in my children’s lunch
  • at picnics
  • at each seat for an Easter tea party
  • birthday parties
  • in my kitchen instead of paper towels

Sometimes GMO is thought about being just in food. Cotton is a crop that is predominately genetically modified which goes back into our soils and ocean.

Innovative, eco-friendly, GMO-free and stylish!



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