Pesto using Broccoli?

Pesto is a perfect way to add (or hide) new ingredients and get added vitamins and minerals into a diet.  Pesto can be added to pasta or a spread on a panini or sandwich.  Swap the standard pine nuts for walnuts or Brazil nuts (Selenium!), macadamia nut oil, or avocado oil for olive oil and the most exciting ingredient swap is the greens!  Try parsley, spinach, basil or broccoli!  I think the secret is in the sauce and pesto qualifies as a sauce in my kitchen.

My kitchen likes to rotate new and different ingredients to round out our palate.  Sometimes it is easier to do when a deal or coupon is available.  I took advantage of Earthbound Farm Organic coupon for the week which is Broccolette-something I am not that familiar with.  I am eager to add broccoli or Broccolette to our meal planning.

According to Earthbound Farm Organic, Broccolette is a broccoli-Chinese kale cross packed with vitamins and flavor.  Get your coupon here!  Broccoli is high in vitamin C, and has good amounts of vitamin A and fiber.

I decided to add broccoli or Earthbound Farm’s Broccolette Pesto into my own recipe.  Experiment and try something new!


1 bunch broccoli, (stemmed florets) (or Broccolette florets)

1/2 cup walnuts

2 large cloves of garlic

1/2 cup Spinach

3 tablespoons avocado oil

1/2 cup freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano

1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

Sea Salt (to taste)



Boil salted water over high heat.  Add cut and stemmed broccolette or broccoli florets in a saucepan.

Cook for about 5 minutes then drain.

Add the nuts, garlic, cheese and greens into a food processor until thoroughly chopped.  Add the oil and vinegar until the mixture is a smooth texture.

Season with salt and serve!



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