How IslandWyse was born

Once I started my food company, Voyaging Foods, I had two different “Aha” moments that now shape the core messages I want to share with you.

1) To Demystify:

I had an insider’s view of the secret practices of large food manufacturers and have since learned what some of those mystery ingredients are on the packages of my family’s favorite foods. I want moms everywhere to have that same ‘privileged’ information I have been learning about. From meeting with food scientists, university professors, food labeling specialists and delving into agricultural grants, and biotechnology patents, I have gotten a good idea how extremely disconnected we have become from our food.  Our greatest efforts at the grocery store don’t stand a chance unless we educate ourselves and become informed and conscious consumers.

2) To Educate and Connect:

After spending a lot of time doing market research at farmers markets and health food stores talking face-to-face with other moms and consumers, I would continually hear; “I can’t afford to buy organic food” or “I just don’t know where to start”, “what exactly is gluten-free?”, “what does healthy really mean?”

These were all good questions and after learning about these disconnecting factors I wanted to become an advocate and resource for mom’s trying to do the right thing-but were confused by all the hype and myths.

As a Certified Holistic Health Coach through both Dr. Sears L.E.A.N. and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition®, I have access to information that I want to share with everyone.  Thus I started a blog, IslandWyse,  to reconnect families towards a balanced life through ancestral principals. These principals are based on a back to basics approach to food, lifestyle and business.

If you are like me, and want more information on holistic nutrition and health coaching-read more here.

Join the conscious movement to uncomplicated a healthy lifestyle. Take the intimidation out of food. I will show you how-with simple solutions.

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