HI Luxury Magazine

Dishing it Out

Here are some highlights from the HILuxury magazine article by Nadine Kam and photography by Marco Garcia.

Take an intimate look inside Brynn’s home where she shares her passion for healthy families, good food and creating memories at meal-time.

How did a collection of dinnerware turn into life lessons for her children?  It coincided with her desire, as a parent, to be more health and environmentally conscious. Her concern over processed foods led her to create her own corn-, dairy-, wheat- and gluten-free teething biscuits from taro. That became the foundation of the company she founded, Voyaging Foods, to provide mineral-rich artisan-milled taro flour, dry mixes and baked goods utilizing Hawaiian “canoe” plants such as kalo (taro), ‘uala (sweet potato) and ‘ulu (breadfruit).

“It was a personal challenge to make my own food for my babies.”

“My goal is to avoid waste as much as possible. I don’t like the idea of eating off a paper plate and throwing it away 15 minutes later. When you use nice dinnerware, you tend to sit longer, slow down while eating and savor more.”

“I’ll also light candles, signifying it’s time to sit down, and when we’re eating, no electronics are allowed, no TV,” she says.

Research backs her observations, suggesting that dining together has positive effects on childhood development. The security and nurturing have a positive impact on children’s values, identity and self-esteem.

See the article here.

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