All About Kalo

WithOutWalls Workshop 

All About Kalo Series 

Workshop one: Growing and harvesting Kalo (Taro) When: Saturday, April 30th, 2015, 9am-noon Location: Ka'ala Farm **Kala available to take home for an additional $5 Workshop Two: Cleaning and Processing Kalo When: Saturday, June 4th, 2016, 9am-noon Location: Ka'ala Farm Workshop 3: Cooking with Kalo When: Saturday, July 30th, 2016, 9am-noon Location: Kapolei High School  **Individual Registration for this workshop will be open July 1. Cost for the series: $20 per person per workshop or $50 for all three workshops.


Join us for the FIRST EVER WOW Workshop series!

Sponsored by Ka'ala Farm, Voyaging foods and Malama Learning Center

This exciting workshop will teach participants all about kalo or taro. The first workshop will be held at beautiful Ka'ala farm, where we will learn about how to plant and grow kalo, then when and how to harvest it. In the second workshop we will return to Ka'ala Farm to learn what to do with your plant, once you've harvested; how to clean and process the corm and the leaves. We will even learn how to process the corm into kalo flour! In the third and final workshop we will try out some healthy recipes made with taro, including some delicious and healthy breads!


Shortly after the birth of her first child, Brynn, founder of Voyaging Foods, created an allergy-free teething biscuit, using home-made taro powder from Hawaiian taro root as a wholesome starch replacement, thickener and flour alternative.What began as one mother’s attempt to supply her children with nutritious gluten-free baked goods has evolved into the artisan milling and baked good company to support both the economic and health for her island community that is now Voyaging Foods.

Ka’ala Farm grew out of a community vision firmly rooted in the larger cultural kīpuka that is Wai‘anae and has dedicated over thirty years to creating additional kīpuka – places where our ancestral knowledge lives on through youth, where thriving ahupua‘a are living examples of healthy, maintained watersheds, and where our Hawaiian traditions are carried forth in a way that makes our people and our communities stronger.

Registration is required. 

To register, please go to   If you have any questions, please contact us by email: or phone: (808) 483-0678(808) 483-0678





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