
Water Activity in Food Podcast

Water Activity in Food Podcast

  Host Zachary Cartwright interviews our Founder, Brynn Foster on the Water and Food podcast. Brynn founded her gluten-free, artisan milling ...
The Importance of Canoe Plants & 'Ulu Flour

The Importance of Canoe Plants & 'Ulu Flour

Interviews from Hawaii's farmer's and makers about the importance of 'ulu, breadfruit and 'ulu and breadfruit flour.
30% By 30 'Ulu Flour Initiative - Hawaii Public Radio

30% By 30 'Ulu Flour Initiative - Hawaii Public Radio

Hawaii Ulu Cooperative on getting crops to market

All this week we have been looking at all things ulu. Today we feature the Ulu Cooperative on the Big Island which has joined forces to marshall the power of ulu. Dana Shapiro of the cooperative is one of the many ulu ambassadors out to spread the word about ulu power. A promising crop as we look to diversify the economy and support local farmers. The Ulu Cooperative along with the Hawaii Farmers Union Foundation and voyaging foods has launched an initiative to promote replacing 30 percent of flour use with local starches by 2030. Click here to take the Ulu Flour Survey.

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