Gluten-Free Pizelles

 Gluten-Free Pizelles

Pizelles were the special dessert my mom made every holiday season. I purchased my first pizelle maker when wanting to make my own special memories surrounding the holidays. Now I like to make and serve them for everyday occasions.

I like to use quality ingredients and flours and this pizelle recipe reflects the good tasty memories of these festive cookies in a gluten-free option.


1 ½ cups Voyaging Foods All Purpose Mix 

3 eggs

1 tsp baking soda

1/3 cup coconut oil-unrefined

½ cup coconut palm sugar

1 tsp vanilla or 1/2 tsp vanilla powder (gluten free)

½ tsp baking powder (aluminum free)

½ tsp nutmeg

½ tsp cinnamon

¼ tsp Hawaiian sea salt


In a medium size bowl, beat eggs then add the remaining wet ingredients. Mix well. Add the flour and dry ingredients to the wet and mix well. Consistency should be similar to a cake or cookie batter. Add 1 Tbs of water if batter is too thick. Place one tablespoon of batter on pizelle maker and close. After 1 minute open and remove. Cool on a rack then serve~

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