Guide to Value-Added Small Farm Enterprises for Hawaii

Voyaging Foods was honored to be asked by the University of Hawaii’s Agribusiness Incubator Program to participate in the Value-Added Small Farm Enterprises for Hawaii Guide. We were selected among several Hawaii-based agricultural enterprises as exemplary producers (see our write up on page 34 located in the link above). Selection criteria included growth potential, positive impact on Hawaii agriculture, product innovation and the successful track record of our company.

Voyaging Foods is considered an early adopter in the gluten-free, taro-based baked goods and dry-mix market. We were a handful of the first companies in Hawaii to be certified gluten-free from the Celiac Sprue Association. This niche market will grow and we look forward to supporting other companies who offer alternative goods.

Value-added refers to differentiating qualities or qualities that make a product stand out from generic commodities and enhance it’s value in the marketplace.


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