"Gluten free has never tasted better than Voyaging Foods’ canoe-plant flours and baked goods"

Whole Foods Local

Whole Foods discovers new, cool and unique products — from growers, artisans and makers in communities across the U.S. Voyaging Foods is happy to be part of their first 5 local companies featured on their global website.

Voyaging Foods --> Gluten free has never tasted better than Voyaging Foods’ canoe-plant flours and baked goods. By milling their Hawaiian-grown heritage canoe plants, Kalo (taro), ‘Uala (sweet potato) and ‘Ulu (breadfruit), they are able to utilize them as the foundation of plant-based fiber and protein for their delicious dry mixes as well.

1 comment

  • Aloha,

    I’m writing an online article for HonoluluMagazine.com about island food vendors who will be appearing at this year’s Made in Hawaii Festival, including Voyaging Foods. Would you be willing to share some high-resolution product photos that we can use to accompany the article?


    Meghan Thibault
    Special Projects Manager
    (808) 938-0605

    Meghan Thibault

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