The Story Behind the Label

The story behind the taro plant image
As our intent is to share Hawaiian Taro through our gluten-free products we wanted to be mindful of our branding and packaging. We wanted the Taro plant to have the stage on our packaging rather than single photos of the end-products like pancakes, soups or muffins like other baking products.
Mike Carroll, the famous Lanai-based artist, painted this image from one of our Taro plants to show the source of what Taro powder is and where is comes from.
The native Hawaiians cultivated over 300 Taro varieties for food, medicinal applications and spiritual uses.
We aim to utilize a number of different Hawaiian Taro varieties and believe that a healthy food system includes growing a variety of crops-not just one or two.
Some varieties we have used are Moi, Haokea, Maui Lehua, and Mana Keokeo. Learn more about these varieties and more at some of the resources we use:
Aloha! Do you know where I can find huli kalo for Mana Keʻokeʻo? (also, the links to the taros aren’t working for me) Mahalo!