Sugar Busting Part 2
As a Mom Ambassador with Moms Meet through Kiwi Magazine, I get to earn my “parent PhD” through educational webinars given by doctors, nutritionists, company marketing specialists and CEOs. I want to pass this privy information with other caregivers.
Sugar is a challenging subject. Controlling sugar is one of my biggest challenges as a parent. Unless you are a food scientist or nutritionist, navigating the risks and benefits of sugar is like learning a new language. One of the most important things we can do as consumers is to inform yourself on ingredient sources, company manufacturing practices and health benefits and risks to the food you consume and serve to your families.
Dental health is a big issue for parents and learning about micro flora from this webinar about Xylitol was interesting.
Review it and make your own decision.
On the issue of alternative sweeteners, we can learn more about Xylitol from Xlear and SparX products and their company’s practices as seen in this webinar.
Review it and make your own decision.